Honors & awards
4/24/13 We won a White House award “Champions of Change” for our hurricane Sandy recovery work, from saving the tanker MARY A. WHALEN to helping the Red Hook community ashore.
5/19/13 Our Director Carolina Salguero received a National Maritime Historical Society "New York Harbor Historic Ship Steward Award of Excellence" for her work with the MARY A. WHALEN.
6/18/13 The NYS Senate passed Resolution J2531-2013 (sponsored by Velmanette Montgomery, co-sponsored by Daniel Squadron) honoring PortSide for White House award and Sandy recovery work.
Press Releases:
10/29/2019 Unveiling of Atlantic Basin Sandy High Water Mark sign Red Hook Sandy Flood Map
5/31/2017 PortSide Summer 2017 Programs
5/25/2017 Red Hook Cheers Its First NYC Ferry
4/20/2017 PortSide NewYork's week of Earth Day actions by youth and adults
10/25/2016 Red Hook WaterStories is LIVE!
5/20/2016 Fleet Week in Red Hook
9/15/2015 Norwegian Bluegrass + WaterStories
5/26/2015 PortSide NewYork gets a new home!
10/25/2013 Light Up the Shore - Sandy Anniversary harborwide event
12/5/2013 This Old Ship Kitchen December Galley Restoration Campaign
10/29/2013 Red Hook Marks the One Year Anniversary of Sandy
10/24/2013 PortSide-Sandy-Anniversary-our-year-from-ship-to-shore+our-Sandy-honorees
10/22/2013 WWII-women+children-merchant-mariners-bills-before-congress
4/23/2013 PortSide NewYork wins a White House "Champions of Change" award for Sandy recovery work
4/24/2013 White House press release on "Champions of Change" Sandy awards