Emergency call for help with generator installation + moving stuff

Due to issues in the Red Hook container port, PortSide has have to move a lot of our stuff on the pier tomorrow Monday 8/15. 
If you can help, at whatever hour, please email portsidenewyork@gmail.com or call Carolina Salguero at 917-414-0565.

We have a related emergency need for connect a generator we have installed in the forward engine room. We need the following skilled help:
  • welder to weld new generator in position on old engine mounts
  • plumber to connect exhaust and fuel lines to generator
  • electrician to connect power cord to generator

Michael Abegg (center), Matt Perricone (right), David Black (offstage left)
lower used Cummins 15kw Model 13212E1400 into pre-existing hatch in foredeck underneath one of the vents
In it goes by the hairs on its chinny chin chin
It was since rotated 90 degrees clockwise and is sitting on existing engine mounts