Petrolero con Salseros (tanker with salsa musicians)
/PortSide's home, the tanker Mary A. Whalen, performed magnificently during the 2nd annual Concierto Tipico in Sunset Park. The can-do Edgar Alvarez of Fiesta VIP produced the event which is sponsored by City Councilwoman Sara Gonzalez. See our video here.
Over 400 people toured the tanker, many of whom had never been on a boat before.
We gave tours in Spanish and English.
NYC Councilwoman Sara Gonzalez invited PortSide to bring the tanker for this event.
Several of the bands toured the ship, as did kids, a great grandmother and the pina colada vendor.
At the end of the day,
Many people hoped the tanker would become a regular feature at Brooklyn Army Terminal pier 4 (aka the 58th Street pier). We told them all to come check us out in Red Hook's Atlantic Basin July 1 to Aug 24.
Thanks to a dynamic group of volunteers who had great team spirit and who made the day a success and lots of fun:
Diane Cho in the galley, Ray Howell engine room, Terry Reilly in the wheelhouse, Michele Kogon office monitor and copy editor, Iris Abra gangway reception (5 hours in the baking heat!), Maria Diaz tour guide and networker and quicker picker-upper, Mina Roustayi indefatigable guide in Spanish, Dan Goncharoff tours and deck monitor, John Weaver video and Official Fence Dismantler and Remantler.
We left the southside of Pier 9B at 0900, passing a containership unloading in the Red Hook port...
and returned at 2200 hours to the northside of 9B where we had the crippled Del Monte container ship as a neighbor on the southside of Pier 9A . They were there for about two weeks undergoing repairs. It was a long but glorious day!