2023 PortSide year-end report
/Recap of PortSide’s 2023 impact on public policy, education, and historic preservation! And the year’s not over! There are December milestones and news in here!
Read MoreNYC needs more #piers4boats! PortSide’s blog covers our WaterStories programs, urban waterways issues, the BLUEspace, development plans for the NYC waterfront, our ship MARY A. WHALEN, other historic vessels, and boats and ships of all sizes.
Recap of PortSide’s 2023 impact on public policy, education, and historic preservation! And the year’s not over! There are December milestones and news in here!
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11/14/16. This just in from the Harbor Ops Committee:
"Please be advised that USCG Sector New York has published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking which pertains to a potential change to the security zone around Liberty State Park and Ellis Island.
The proposed change would enhance Harbor Safety by allowing smaller vessels to pass behind the Statue of Liberty and avoid being forced to travel in the more heavily used and current-impacted open channel.
MAPONY/NJ SUPPORTS this change and will file written comments in support thereof.
We urge you to review this ANPRM and file comments.
The corrected ANPRM can be accessed via the following link:
New York Harbor - security zone proposal
The US Coast Guard issued a technical correction to its advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) of 3 November. The proposal related to potential changes to the security zone around Liberty State Park and Ellis Island. In the notice, the summary erroneously stated that removal of the security zone was being considered, while the proposal itself discussed only the possibility of modifying the zone.
81 Fed. Reg. 78759 (11/9/16) [https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-11-09/pdf/2016-27037.pdf].
This blogpost is in response to the uproar over the two Red Hook ferry locations proposed by the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC). See images at bottom. The EDC proposed these locations in a draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and gave the public a deadline of October 8, 2015 for comments.
The Red Hook community via the NYS NY Rising resiliency plan it created had, over a year before, articulated its recommendation for a ferry location in Atlantic Basin. The EDC proposal did not include Atlantic Basin.
After the angry and frustrated responses to the DEIS in a public hearing shortly before the comment deadline and the comments submitted to the EDC DEIS, the EDC reversed itself. “We agreed to take a second look at Atlantic Basin as a landing,” said vice-president Peter Flynt in a Brooklyn Paper article “We’ve heard the community loud and clear.” In short, as of this writing, the topic is still open.
PortSide NewYork has long supported ferry service for Red Hook. Over the years, we have provided advice to ferry owners, property owners, elected officials, Brooklyn Community Board 6 and others. During 2010, PortSide advocated for waterborne transit during the Vision 2020 process. During 2013-2014, PortSide President Carolina Salguero was on the NY Rising Red Hook committee which proposed an Atlantic Basin ferry location, and PortSide staff and interns contributed research to her work for NY Rising.
EDC links
Media links
To help resolve where a new Red Hook stop on the citywide ferry system will be located, PortSide NewYork has created this blogpost. Here, we will link all comments that were submitted to the EDC DEIS that we receive, or any subsequent statements people want to make about the Red Hook ferry, or you can post directly in the comment section at bottom. All statements we receive will be posted without editorial comment in alphabetical order by name of person who wrote the testimony.
We are doing this to improve transparency by showing testimony the EDC received, to foster discussion within the community by showing what the collective is thinking, and to help media reporting for all the same reasons.
Inna Guzenfeld Master's thesis on citywide ferry plans
Inna Guzenfeld comments to DEIS
Allison Reeves, comments to DEIS
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez, comments to DEIS
PortSide NewYork comments to DEIS
Waterfront Alliance comments to DEIS